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Beloved Friends,

Grace, mercy and peace to you in Jesus’ precious name, who is the foundation of our faith. We do hope that you and your family are keeping well, especially at this difficult time of uncertainty in our world today. A desperate time when prayer is certainly needed.

We wish to let you know that this year we are not meeting in person for the Annual Lancashire Prayer Conference because of the Covid virus, which is still on the increase. However, we will meet via Zoom like we did last year. We therefore warmly invite you, your family and friends, to join us on Saturday 2nd October 2021, from 10am ‘til 1pm, via Zoom, to intercede for and pray for revival and spiritual awakening in Lancashire and the nation. The speaker will be Mr. Glyn Shentall, on the importance and relevance of prayer. The meeting will include inspired teaching and anointed worship.

The details for the Zoom meeting are as below;



ID  89722336751

Passcode  838291

For further details contact;   Canon Herrick Daniel (chairman) 01524 389764      

                                                or Mrs. Shirley Heaton (administrator)  01254 812432


If you wish to donate towards God’s work carried out by the Lancashire Prayer Conference, the details are;

Royal Bank of Scotland 

sort code   16- 00-39

Acc no        41342646

Or send cheque payable to LPC,     To Mrs. Shirley Heaton,  Abbott House Farm, Abbott  Brow,  

                                                                                                         Mellor, Blackburn Lancs, BB2 7HT    


Meanwhile, stay safe and keep alert in prayer.

With Prayerful Blessing

Herrick Daniel (chairman)

Shirley Heaton (administrator)

‘Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.’ Romans 12:12

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